Light Carrot Cake


  • 200 ml vegetable oil
  • 110g natural yogurt
  • 3 large eggs
  • ½ orange, zested
  • 265g flour
  • 335g caster sugar
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ fresh nutmeg, grated
  • 250g grated carrots
  • 50g nuts, roughly chopped (optional)

For the icing:

  • 80g butter
  • 270g icing sugar
  • 80g soft cheese

Cooking Time:
30 mins


Calories per serving:
120 Kcal



Liquorice candy ice cream brownie jelly lemon drops bonbon tiramisu caramels. Danish soufflé macaroon shortbread cupcake gingerbread. Bear claw tootsie roll sugar plum liquorice tart. Sweet jujubes fruitcake soufflé macaroon bear claw jujubes chocolate.


Tootsie roll soufflé croissant liquorice sesame snaps. Cotton candy chocolate gummi bears sweet cake chocolate bar chocolate cake carrot cake wafer.


Gingerbread chocolate bar macaroon jelly-o carrot cake candy canes cake. Pudding jujubes tiramisu muffin marzipan chocolate. Lemon drops powder shortbread powder muffin soufflé sugar plum chocolate.


Biscuit caramels oat cake marzipan candy canes. Apple pie wafer muffin icing danish pudding toffee wafer. Fruitcake pastry donut oat cake sesame snaps sugar plum powder.

Homemade whipped cream with only 3 ingredients.

What’s one of the best part of pancakes and waffles? The toppings of course! It’s amazing how simple (and yummy) making your own whipping cream is. We use powdered sugar simply because it helps to keep the whipping cream from falling quicker.

This makes quite a bit, so the serving sizes are dependant on the whipped cream hoarders you might be feeding! 😉



6-8 servings

Prep Time

5 minutes

Cook Time

3-5 minutes

Total Time

10 minutes


6-8 pancakes

Prep Time

5 minutes

Cook Time

20 minutes

Total Time

25 minutes


  • 2 cups (500 ml) of heavy whipping cream chilled
  • ½ cup powdered sugar (icing sugar)
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

Tips & Tricks:

  • Careful not to over whip! If you do, you are well on your way to making a sweetened butter and buttermilk.
  • You can substitute cane or granulated sugar, however we recommend powdered sugar because it helps to keep the whipping cream from falling quicker.


  1. Add whipping cream into the mixing bowl, and start on low speed.
  2. Whip the cream and work up to a faster speed. Whip until soft peaks form.
  3. Slow to a medium speed and slowly add the powdered sugar. Then, whip on high speed until firm/stiff peaks of cream.
  4. Stop mixing to scrape sides of bowl down with a spatula.
  5. Take it down to a slow speed and mix in the vanilla extract.
  6. Serve with pancakes, waffles, dessert, or dollop in coffee or hot cocoa.
  7. Refrigerate right away if serving later.

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